2006-02-01 23:12:34 UTC
2 Bittree 96 point patch bays Make Offer
3 96 point patchbays wired $100.00 each
Akai IB-48P 8 Output Expander Board for Z4/Z8/MPC4000 $250.00
Akai MPC 1000 Like new in the box with Card $700.00
Akai MPC 1000 w/ 32MB and 256 GB Memory Card new in original box and
packaging. Like NEW. $750.00
Akai MPC 2000 Studio PLUS $900.00 firm
Akai MPC 2000 XL Limited Edition Custom Color $900.00
Akai MPC 2000 XL Limted Edition with MCD Reader Drive, Custom Painted
Black - 32 Megs - 4 lines out in display. You can read it fine $750.00
Akai MPC 2000 XL with 32 meg upgrade and manual $850.00
Akai MPC 3000 MINT - Loaded $1,750.00
Akai Z8 Sampler - 2 Space Rackmount - Has the 8 out Expansion, and 400
MB (will separate Expansion for $250) $750.00 obo
Alesis Adat Blackface $150.00
Alesis Adat LX-20 174 Hours MINT with remote and manual $250.00
Alesis Adat LX-20 198 Hours MINT with remote and manual $250.00
Alesis AI3 AI-3 A/D D/A CONVERTER ADAT Digital interface with cables
$300.00 obo
Alesis Midiverb 2 digital Effects processor $60.00
Anvil Road case for chords or small things, possibly 2 Mpc's or Mixing
boards $75.00
Aphex 105 Logic assisted 4 channel Gate Rack unit $125.00
Aphex 612 Gate $150.00
API 500h 1 Space Rack Unit, 2 module rack w built in power supply
Apogee Rosetta 800 AD/DA converter, MINT (does not come with the card)
$2,200.00 firm
Apogee Rosetta AD 96K $750.00 obo
AVID 888 I/o interface Made by digidesign, same as digidesign 16 bit,
(Many Available) $200.00 each obo
Behringer Composer MDL MDX 2100, Compressor Limiter Expander Gate
RackMount $75.00
Behringer Composer MDL MDX 2100, Compressor Limiter Expander Gate
RackMount $75.00
Behringer Eurorack MX 2804, 28 input 4 BUSS Mix Console with power
supply $200.00 obo
Behringer Eurorack MX 602A Mixer $40.00
Behringer Mastercom MDL MDX 4000 Audio Interactive Multiband Dynamics
Processor $100.00
Bittree Video patch bay $250.00 obo
Bomb Factory Plutonium Plug in 192K edition, unopened (About $2000
Retail) $400.00 obo
Boss BR 532 digital Recorder $150.00
BSS FDS-310 Crossover with manuals $250.00
Crown Amp D-75 single space rack unit $125.00
DBX 1024 Buffer Amplifier with rack kit $100.00 obo
DBX 165A compressor/Limiter Like new with Manual $750.00 obo
DBX 166 Dual Compressor Limiter Gate $150.00
DBX 266XL Dual Compressor/ Gate $100.00
Demeter Stereo Tube Mic Pre-Amp VTMP-2C Ltd Edition $1,700.00
Digidesign 001 Rack with manuals, Pro Tools, With codes, PCI card, and
Cables $350.00
Digidesign 1622 Like New $225.00
Digidesign 192 DA Analog Output Expansion card for 192 I/o - In the box
with all papers. $750.00
Digidesign 888 I/o (not 24 bit) 3 available $200.00 each obo
Digidesign 96 I/o $1,300.00 obo
Digidesign Adat bridge - Like New 20 bit I think. Not 24 $125.00
Digidesign Adat Optical Sync $100.00
Digidesign Command 8 Console NEW Pro Tools $800.00 obo
Digidesign Digital Cards for the HD - Expansions for 192's etc. (3
Avail) $750.00 each obo
Digidesign HD3 with waves Platinum Bundle and Mac G4 $10,000.00 obo
Digidesign Mix Cubed (turnkey) with a G4 and 24 bit Adat bridge, and
Waves. $3,600.00
Digidesign Mix Cubed System ,1 Digidesign Mix Core , 2 Digidesogn Mix
Farms , 2 Digidesign 888/24's ,1 Digidesign Adat Bridge 24 bit and 1
Digidesign USD. $5,000.00 obo
Digidesign ProControl Fader Pack Extension Kit For ProControl Like
New $2,750.00 firm
Digidesign VSD - Video Slave Driver - 3 Available $50.00 each
Digitech DSP 128 Multi effects processor - Rack mount $50.00
Digitech RP 300 Pedal, Like new in box, with manual $130.00
Digitech TSR-12 Multi effects Version 1.51 Stereo $75.00
EMU B3 Module $350.00
EMU Proteus 2 Orchestral Sound Module with manual $125.00
EMU Proteus 2 Orchestral Sound Module with manual $125.00
EMU Proteus 2000 With Rack Ears $325.00
EMU SP-1200 Drum Machine/ Sampler $1,200.00
(2) ISA 110's Pre/ Eq
(2) ISA 130's Comp/ Limiter/ Gates
(1) POWER SUPPLY (Powers up whole rack with Phantom
pwr switches and pwr meter)
*Rear of rack- XLR in/ out, Gate Key in for each gate,
sidechain switch, Fan.
This small table-top rack then sits inside of an Anvil
""Case"" with a pull-off top and wheels. Great for
transporting. " $5,000.00
Fostex RD-8 Adat Recorder $250.00
Furman Headphone Monitor Amp (6 channel) MDL HA-6A MINT $180.00
Furman patch bays model PB-48, and a bunch of others $5.00 each
Furman PL-8 Power Conditioner and Light Module $70.00
Furman PL-PLUS Power Conditioner and Light Module - With Voltage meter
(2 Avail) MINT $80.00 each
Furman RP-8 Power conditioner $40.00
Glyph CD ROM Drive $40.00
Hill Remix 24x8x16 Console, 24 inputs with 16 channel monitor section
on right. chanal 18 not working but have all the parts. includes custom
stand, power supply and maintenance lift $700.00 obo
Jim Dunlop Original Crybaby GCB-95 $60.00
Keyboard stand by ULTIMATE. X stand, not the tube type $20.00
Korg DTR-2 Rack Tuner $100.00
Korg EXB-PCM03 PCM Expansion Board Future Loop Construction $80.00
Korg EXB-PCM04 PCM Expansion Board Dance Extreme. $80.00
Korg N1R Rackmount Sound Module, with manual $200.00
Korg Ps-1 Pedal Switch $5.00
Korg Triton PRO X Workstation , 88 Weigted Keys, Like new in the box
with all manuals, and disks MINT.... $1,500.00 obo
Korg Triton Studio 61 With 2 expansions, Memory, SCSI, CDRW.....
$1,700.00 obo
Lexicon Dual FX Card with Manual $75.00
Lexicon MPX 1 Digital Multi Effects Processor $450.00 obo
Lexicon PCM 70 , with manual $600.00
Lexicon PCM 80 , RAM Cart card , 256 Kbyte $20.00
Lexicon PCM 80 Digital Effects Processor - With Manual $700.00
Lexicon PCM 81 $1,200.00 obo
Mackie 24E Expander With Stand, Like new. $850.00
Mackie 24E Expander With Stand, Like new. $850.00
Mackie 24x8 Mixing Console With Stand, Great Shape. $800.00
Mackie 24x8 Mixing Console With Stand, Great Shape. $800.00
Mackie 32x8 with meter bridge - With Custom Stand $1,400.00 obo
Mackie Control Universal XT 8 channel Expansion pack, new in the box
$600.00 obo
Mackie CR 1604 (not VLZ) $125.00
Mackie CR 1604 VLZ Like New w/ manual $450.00
Mackie D8B Digital Mixer with Monitor and Keyboard. Has 3 Apogee Digi
I/o cards, 1 AES/EBU Card, And 1 Effect card, Just back from the shop
Making sure everything is up to date and perfect for you. Has
Warranty. $1,850.00
Mitsubishi X850 32 Track Digital Machine - Lots of Grammys made on this
baby. $2,000.00 obo
MOTU Micro Express - USB with manual, and USB cable $150.00 obo
MOTU Micro Express - USB with USB cable $125.00
MOTU Midi Timepiece MTP-AV - Serial $125.00 obo
MOTU MTP/AV midi time piece (Serial) with manual , 3 Available $125.00
MXR Flanger Doubler Model 126 (2 Avail) $450.00 each obo
NADY PEM-500 Personal IN EAR Monitoring System, In case with all the
stuff. With the Ear buds $175.00
Neumann M-149 Microphone, Mint with shock, cases and everything
Neve 2057 EQ's (4) in mint shape $2,300.00 each obo
Niche Audio Control Module $50.00 obo
Nova 710s Wideband TBC - WIDEBAND TIME BASE CORRECTOR $500.00 obo
Oberheim Matrix 1000 - Black $200.00
Oktava MK 319 Microphone, with clip in case, Like NEW $125.00
Omni Craft GT-4A 4 Channel Gate $50.00
Orban Model 622B Parametric Equalizer $250.00
Panasonic SV-3800 Dat Machine with manual $175.00 obo
Peavey Instrument Amp - Pre amp $50.00 obo
Peavey Max Bass Preamp - MINT $200.00
Propellerhead Reason 2.5, Like new in the box with Codes and all
Rocktron Power Station Rackmount Power Supply, Lots of different types
of outs to satisfy your rack $100.00
Roland 256E Memory Card. $25.00
Roland A-33, 76 key Midi Controller, Runs on Batteries as well as Power
Chord, New Condition $225.00
Roland Jupiter-4 Compuphonic Synth - JP-4 $400.00 obo
Roland M-DC1 DANCE Expansion Module. 1 Single Space Rack. Phenominal.
Roland MKS-30 Planet-5 Module with Roland M-16c Memory Cartridge
Roland M-SE1 String Module Rackmount with manual $100.00
Roland RC-100 Remote Control for S-760 , Works with Roland S-550,
S-750, S-770 and S-760 digital midi samplers $100.00 obo
Roland SDE-1000 Digital Delay $100.00
Roland SR-JV80-01 POP Expansion Board $80.00
Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano Expansion Board $150.00
Roland SRX-04 Symphonique Strings Expansion Board $185.00
Roland U110 Sound Cards - Electric grand and Clavi, and Latin & F.X.
Percussions $25.00 each
Roland U-220 sound module, with manual $100.00
Roland VS 1680 with 2 FX cards, and manual $450.00
Roland VS 880 digital Recorder with EFX. V-Expanded, with manuals
$250.00 obo
Roland XP-50 Keyboard, Can use JV cards inside, Awesome Condition
Samson MPL 2242 , 22 Channel Mixer $200.00 obo
Samson Powerbrite PRO7 Power Distribution, Metering and Florescent
Light System PBPRO7 $100.00 obo
Shure Beta 87 Wireless with PSM 700 transmitter $450.00 obo
SKB 6 space rack with front and back covers - Black $35.00
SONY APR 24 W/ Autolocator $3,500.00 obo
Sony BVU 950 3/4" (3 Available) Completely Loaded $500.00 each
Sony DTC-75ES Dat Player, in Rack Shelf $125.00
Sony PCM-R300 Dat Machine. . $100.00
Stanton T-60 Turntable with Needle, and cloth, Like New $125.00
Summit TLA-100 Tube Leveling Amplifier $1,400.00 obo
Suzuki XGM-1 Hand held Microphone, will throw in nice cable (SM 58
Style) $40.00
Tascam 112 Professional Tape cassete - with Rack ears $150.00 obo
Tascam DA-30 MKII Dat Machine $150.00
Tascam IF-88AE Digital Audio Interface $100.00 obo
Tascam PB-32W Patch Bay, and other assorted patchbays. $50.00 For All
Tascam DA-88 w/ sync $350.00 obo
TC Electronic Gold Channel Digitally Enhanced Mic Preamp with manual
$1,100.00 obo
TC Electronic M300 Multi Effects Processor, With Manual, MINT.......
TC Electronic M5000 DUAL DSP!, one A/D card, great condition physically
and cosmetically. $2,500.00 obo
Timeline Microlynx with keyboard (2 avail) $500.00 obo
Trace Elliot SMX Dual Compressor pedal, something is wrong with it.
$10.00 as is
Urei 565 Filter set 565T Little Dipper With Manual $400.00 obo
"WSW EQ's (2) (Wiener Schwachstrom Werke), also Germanium, I have
only seen 8 in the country, 6 of them are owned by Lenny Kravitz, the
other 2 are the ones I am selling right now" $1,600.00 each
XTA GQ 600 dual 30 band graphic EQ , with plastic cover to protect
your settings... $550.00 obo
Yamaha A4000 Sampler $350.00 obo
"Yamaha DM2000 DM2000
Version 1 software
Meter bridge
(3) MY8 AD96 cards
(3) MY8 DA96 cards
(1) MY16 AT (adat i/o )card
All in excellent condition.
Wood side panels included, studio manager software
included, solid stand by ""Studio Anchors"" included. " $15,000.00
Yamaha Motif 6 New in The Box. I only opened to make sure it was in
there. $900.00 obo
Yamaha Motif ES Rack , New in the box $900.00
Yamaha NS-10M Tweeter $80, and Assembly kit crossover/guts for $25
Yamaha REX-50 Multiple Effects unit $50.00
Yamaha SPX 900 $400.00
Yamaha Stereo Volume Pedal. Runs with battery 2 ins and 2 outs, with
CV switch. Boss Volumes as well. $20.00
Yamaha TX16W, With extra memory and Sound Library, or trade $75.00
3 96 point patchbays wired $100.00 each
Akai IB-48P 8 Output Expander Board for Z4/Z8/MPC4000 $250.00
Akai MPC 1000 Like new in the box with Card $700.00
Akai MPC 1000 w/ 32MB and 256 GB Memory Card new in original box and
packaging. Like NEW. $750.00
Akai MPC 2000 Studio PLUS $900.00 firm
Akai MPC 2000 XL Limited Edition Custom Color $900.00
Akai MPC 2000 XL Limted Edition with MCD Reader Drive, Custom Painted
Black - 32 Megs - 4 lines out in display. You can read it fine $750.00
Akai MPC 2000 XL with 32 meg upgrade and manual $850.00
Akai MPC 3000 MINT - Loaded $1,750.00
Akai Z8 Sampler - 2 Space Rackmount - Has the 8 out Expansion, and 400
MB (will separate Expansion for $250) $750.00 obo
Alesis Adat Blackface $150.00
Alesis Adat LX-20 174 Hours MINT with remote and manual $250.00
Alesis Adat LX-20 198 Hours MINT with remote and manual $250.00
Alesis AI3 AI-3 A/D D/A CONVERTER ADAT Digital interface with cables
$300.00 obo
Alesis Midiverb 2 digital Effects processor $60.00
Anvil Road case for chords or small things, possibly 2 Mpc's or Mixing
boards $75.00
Aphex 105 Logic assisted 4 channel Gate Rack unit $125.00
Aphex 612 Gate $150.00
API 500h 1 Space Rack Unit, 2 module rack w built in power supply
Apogee Rosetta 800 AD/DA converter, MINT (does not come with the card)
$2,200.00 firm
Apogee Rosetta AD 96K $750.00 obo
AVID 888 I/o interface Made by digidesign, same as digidesign 16 bit,
(Many Available) $200.00 each obo
Behringer Composer MDL MDX 2100, Compressor Limiter Expander Gate
RackMount $75.00
Behringer Composer MDL MDX 2100, Compressor Limiter Expander Gate
RackMount $75.00
Behringer Eurorack MX 2804, 28 input 4 BUSS Mix Console with power
supply $200.00 obo
Behringer Eurorack MX 602A Mixer $40.00
Behringer Mastercom MDL MDX 4000 Audio Interactive Multiband Dynamics
Processor $100.00
Bittree Video patch bay $250.00 obo
Bomb Factory Plutonium Plug in 192K edition, unopened (About $2000
Retail) $400.00 obo
Boss BR 532 digital Recorder $150.00
BSS FDS-310 Crossover with manuals $250.00
Crown Amp D-75 single space rack unit $125.00
DBX 1024 Buffer Amplifier with rack kit $100.00 obo
DBX 165A compressor/Limiter Like new with Manual $750.00 obo
DBX 166 Dual Compressor Limiter Gate $150.00
DBX 266XL Dual Compressor/ Gate $100.00
Demeter Stereo Tube Mic Pre-Amp VTMP-2C Ltd Edition $1,700.00
Digidesign 001 Rack with manuals, Pro Tools, With codes, PCI card, and
Cables $350.00
Digidesign 1622 Like New $225.00
Digidesign 192 DA Analog Output Expansion card for 192 I/o - In the box
with all papers. $750.00
Digidesign 888 I/o (not 24 bit) 3 available $200.00 each obo
Digidesign 96 I/o $1,300.00 obo
Digidesign Adat bridge - Like New 20 bit I think. Not 24 $125.00
Digidesign Adat Optical Sync $100.00
Digidesign Command 8 Console NEW Pro Tools $800.00 obo
Digidesign Digital Cards for the HD - Expansions for 192's etc. (3
Avail) $750.00 each obo
Digidesign HD3 with waves Platinum Bundle and Mac G4 $10,000.00 obo
Digidesign Mix Cubed (turnkey) with a G4 and 24 bit Adat bridge, and
Waves. $3,600.00
Digidesign Mix Cubed System ,1 Digidesign Mix Core , 2 Digidesogn Mix
Farms , 2 Digidesign 888/24's ,1 Digidesign Adat Bridge 24 bit and 1
Digidesign USD. $5,000.00 obo
Digidesign ProControl Fader Pack Extension Kit For ProControl Like
New $2,750.00 firm
Digidesign VSD - Video Slave Driver - 3 Available $50.00 each
Digitech DSP 128 Multi effects processor - Rack mount $50.00
Digitech RP 300 Pedal, Like new in box, with manual $130.00
Digitech TSR-12 Multi effects Version 1.51 Stereo $75.00
EMU B3 Module $350.00
EMU Proteus 2 Orchestral Sound Module with manual $125.00
EMU Proteus 2 Orchestral Sound Module with manual $125.00
EMU Proteus 2000 With Rack Ears $325.00
EMU SP-1200 Drum Machine/ Sampler $1,200.00
(2) ISA 110's Pre/ Eq
(2) ISA 130's Comp/ Limiter/ Gates
(1) POWER SUPPLY (Powers up whole rack with Phantom
pwr switches and pwr meter)
*Rear of rack- XLR in/ out, Gate Key in for each gate,
sidechain switch, Fan.
This small table-top rack then sits inside of an Anvil
""Case"" with a pull-off top and wheels. Great for
transporting. " $5,000.00
Fostex RD-8 Adat Recorder $250.00
Furman Headphone Monitor Amp (6 channel) MDL HA-6A MINT $180.00
Furman patch bays model PB-48, and a bunch of others $5.00 each
Furman PL-8 Power Conditioner and Light Module $70.00
Furman PL-PLUS Power Conditioner and Light Module - With Voltage meter
(2 Avail) MINT $80.00 each
Furman RP-8 Power conditioner $40.00
Glyph CD ROM Drive $40.00
Hill Remix 24x8x16 Console, 24 inputs with 16 channel monitor section
on right. chanal 18 not working but have all the parts. includes custom
stand, power supply and maintenance lift $700.00 obo
Jim Dunlop Original Crybaby GCB-95 $60.00
Keyboard stand by ULTIMATE. X stand, not the tube type $20.00
Korg DTR-2 Rack Tuner $100.00
Korg EXB-PCM03 PCM Expansion Board Future Loop Construction $80.00
Korg EXB-PCM04 PCM Expansion Board Dance Extreme. $80.00
Korg N1R Rackmount Sound Module, with manual $200.00
Korg Ps-1 Pedal Switch $5.00
Korg Triton PRO X Workstation , 88 Weigted Keys, Like new in the box
with all manuals, and disks MINT.... $1,500.00 obo
Korg Triton Studio 61 With 2 expansions, Memory, SCSI, CDRW.....
$1,700.00 obo
Lexicon Dual FX Card with Manual $75.00
Lexicon MPX 1 Digital Multi Effects Processor $450.00 obo
Lexicon PCM 70 , with manual $600.00
Lexicon PCM 80 , RAM Cart card , 256 Kbyte $20.00
Lexicon PCM 80 Digital Effects Processor - With Manual $700.00
Lexicon PCM 81 $1,200.00 obo
Mackie 24E Expander With Stand, Like new. $850.00
Mackie 24E Expander With Stand, Like new. $850.00
Mackie 24x8 Mixing Console With Stand, Great Shape. $800.00
Mackie 24x8 Mixing Console With Stand, Great Shape. $800.00
Mackie 32x8 with meter bridge - With Custom Stand $1,400.00 obo
Mackie Control Universal XT 8 channel Expansion pack, new in the box
$600.00 obo
Mackie CR 1604 (not VLZ) $125.00
Mackie CR 1604 VLZ Like New w/ manual $450.00
Mackie D8B Digital Mixer with Monitor and Keyboard. Has 3 Apogee Digi
I/o cards, 1 AES/EBU Card, And 1 Effect card, Just back from the shop
Making sure everything is up to date and perfect for you. Has
Warranty. $1,850.00
Mitsubishi X850 32 Track Digital Machine - Lots of Grammys made on this
baby. $2,000.00 obo
MOTU Micro Express - USB with manual, and USB cable $150.00 obo
MOTU Micro Express - USB with USB cable $125.00
MOTU Midi Timepiece MTP-AV - Serial $125.00 obo
MOTU MTP/AV midi time piece (Serial) with manual , 3 Available $125.00
MXR Flanger Doubler Model 126 (2 Avail) $450.00 each obo
NADY PEM-500 Personal IN EAR Monitoring System, In case with all the
stuff. With the Ear buds $175.00
Neumann M-149 Microphone, Mint with shock, cases and everything
Neve 2057 EQ's (4) in mint shape $2,300.00 each obo
Niche Audio Control Module $50.00 obo
Nova 710s Wideband TBC - WIDEBAND TIME BASE CORRECTOR $500.00 obo
Oberheim Matrix 1000 - Black $200.00
Oktava MK 319 Microphone, with clip in case, Like NEW $125.00
Omni Craft GT-4A 4 Channel Gate $50.00
Orban Model 622B Parametric Equalizer $250.00
Panasonic SV-3800 Dat Machine with manual $175.00 obo
Peavey Instrument Amp - Pre amp $50.00 obo
Peavey Max Bass Preamp - MINT $200.00
Propellerhead Reason 2.5, Like new in the box with Codes and all
Rocktron Power Station Rackmount Power Supply, Lots of different types
of outs to satisfy your rack $100.00
Roland 256E Memory Card. $25.00
Roland A-33, 76 key Midi Controller, Runs on Batteries as well as Power
Chord, New Condition $225.00
Roland Jupiter-4 Compuphonic Synth - JP-4 $400.00 obo
Roland M-DC1 DANCE Expansion Module. 1 Single Space Rack. Phenominal.
Roland MKS-30 Planet-5 Module with Roland M-16c Memory Cartridge
Roland M-SE1 String Module Rackmount with manual $100.00
Roland RC-100 Remote Control for S-760 , Works with Roland S-550,
S-750, S-770 and S-760 digital midi samplers $100.00 obo
Roland SDE-1000 Digital Delay $100.00
Roland SR-JV80-01 POP Expansion Board $80.00
Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano Expansion Board $150.00
Roland SRX-04 Symphonique Strings Expansion Board $185.00
Roland U110 Sound Cards - Electric grand and Clavi, and Latin & F.X.
Percussions $25.00 each
Roland U-220 sound module, with manual $100.00
Roland VS 1680 with 2 FX cards, and manual $450.00
Roland VS 880 digital Recorder with EFX. V-Expanded, with manuals
$250.00 obo
Roland XP-50 Keyboard, Can use JV cards inside, Awesome Condition
Samson MPL 2242 , 22 Channel Mixer $200.00 obo
Samson Powerbrite PRO7 Power Distribution, Metering and Florescent
Light System PBPRO7 $100.00 obo
Shure Beta 87 Wireless with PSM 700 transmitter $450.00 obo
SKB 6 space rack with front and back covers - Black $35.00
SONY APR 24 W/ Autolocator $3,500.00 obo
Sony BVU 950 3/4" (3 Available) Completely Loaded $500.00 each
Sony DTC-75ES Dat Player, in Rack Shelf $125.00
Sony PCM-R300 Dat Machine. . $100.00
Stanton T-60 Turntable with Needle, and cloth, Like New $125.00
Summit TLA-100 Tube Leveling Amplifier $1,400.00 obo
Suzuki XGM-1 Hand held Microphone, will throw in nice cable (SM 58
Style) $40.00
Tascam 112 Professional Tape cassete - with Rack ears $150.00 obo
Tascam DA-30 MKII Dat Machine $150.00
Tascam IF-88AE Digital Audio Interface $100.00 obo
Tascam PB-32W Patch Bay, and other assorted patchbays. $50.00 For All
Tascam DA-88 w/ sync $350.00 obo
TC Electronic Gold Channel Digitally Enhanced Mic Preamp with manual
$1,100.00 obo
TC Electronic M300 Multi Effects Processor, With Manual, MINT.......
TC Electronic M5000 DUAL DSP!, one A/D card, great condition physically
and cosmetically. $2,500.00 obo
Timeline Microlynx with keyboard (2 avail) $500.00 obo
Trace Elliot SMX Dual Compressor pedal, something is wrong with it.
$10.00 as is
Urei 565 Filter set 565T Little Dipper With Manual $400.00 obo
"WSW EQ's (2) (Wiener Schwachstrom Werke), also Germanium, I have
only seen 8 in the country, 6 of them are owned by Lenny Kravitz, the
other 2 are the ones I am selling right now" $1,600.00 each
XTA GQ 600 dual 30 band graphic EQ , with plastic cover to protect
your settings... $550.00 obo
Yamaha A4000 Sampler $350.00 obo
"Yamaha DM2000 DM2000
Version 1 software
Meter bridge
(3) MY8 AD96 cards
(3) MY8 DA96 cards
(1) MY16 AT (adat i/o )card
All in excellent condition.
Wood side panels included, studio manager software
included, solid stand by ""Studio Anchors"" included. " $15,000.00
Yamaha Motif 6 New in The Box. I only opened to make sure it was in
there. $900.00 obo
Yamaha Motif ES Rack , New in the box $900.00
Yamaha NS-10M Tweeter $80, and Assembly kit crossover/guts for $25
Yamaha REX-50 Multiple Effects unit $50.00
Yamaha SPX 900 $400.00
Yamaha Stereo Volume Pedal. Runs with battery 2 ins and 2 outs, with
CV switch. Boss Volumes as well. $20.00
Yamaha TX16W, With extra memory and Sound Library, or trade $75.00